Category: acrylics

Glass Artist & Painter

Glass Artist & Painter

I’ve been creating kiln fired glass work for about 24 years now, 16 of them in Maine. I create jewelry, accessories, dishes and glass art pieces. My studies (long ago) were in painting and sculpture, and I’ve found myself yearning to create more one of a kind pieces. Last year I decided to focus more on creating art and marketing it separately from my other work and this required me to approach new venues. With that goal in mind I also decided to create a new site dedicated to my art vs. my jewelry etc….

In late 2015 I joined the Bangor Art Society and entered my glass art pieces in a few exhibits and an auction. Hanging around these fine people somehow lit the desire to paint again. I haven’t painted in about 30 years but here I go again!

This  year, 2018, I’ve joined several arts organizations and will be participating in a number of exhibits with them. Check my ‘where to find me’ page for upcoming venues.

This site is a natural extension of this new direction….. I hope you will enjoy it..

~Love and Light, Nancy

PS: My dichroic glass jewelry can be found at Glass Orchids and my new market farm & lavender farm info can be found at WinterRose Farm.

Acrylics for speed!

Acrylics for speed!

Well, I found myself in a bit of a crunch for time. You see, I have applied for a fine art cooperative which juries in February (yeah this month!!) and I don’t really have a ‘body of work’ to show. I had forgotten just how long oil paint takes to dry and so PANIC ensued!!! Fear not I thought… Acrylics!!! Now, I have never painted in acrylics before except some denim jackets long long ago ….. but off to the store I went and bought a ton of colors…. and WOW holy moly does this stuff dry fast! I am saved! It’s not the same, and my true love is oil .. but hey…it’s not bad!!

So here is an image of the 2nd painting I’ve done in 30 years, in acrylics!